Three Of Swords Tarot Card

The Three of Swords tarot card is a large, red heart which takes up the center of the card. Through the heart pierce three large swords, all the way through, in the 12 o’clock, 1 o’clock, and 11 o’clock positions. Heavy, dark clouds swirl across the top of the card and rain showers down.

Three of Swords Tarot Card Meanings- Separation, absence, delay, trauma, loss, suffering, pain, betrayal, loneliness, sadness, rejection, sorrow, upheaval, illness, abandonment, and death.

The picture of this card is bleak and when the Three of Swords appears in your reading you’ll naturally feel apprehensive. Unfortunately, the news is not good with this card, though there can be silver linings to difficult situations. You will be facing emotional disturbances, anxiety, and stress in the coming days. This card indicates that your tough time will be rooted in your emotional struggles but this painful period can lead to physical upsets also. As you cope with your heartbreak you will find yourself withdrawing from friends and family- don’t do that. You need your support system now more than ever. Though the picture is bleak right now, you will get through it. The upside is change is constant, so remind yourself of this, because the clouds will lift.

The Three Of Swords Tarot Card From The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck.

Three Of Swords Tarot Card Meanings In A Reading

Love & Relationships- When the Three of Swords tarot card is drawn in a love and relationship reading it represents a time of heartache, betrayal, and loneliness. Most of these struggles will be fought internally, and your partner may be unaware of your situation. On the flip side, your partner may be wholly aware. Whichever is your particular situation the fact remains that you both need to sit down and have a heart to heart. Without a deep dive into your emotional pain and suffering your relationship will not recover to what it once was. The good news is, it can recover. This card is not proof your relationship will end. But in order to have a happier, healthier relationship you need to do some work. If you choose to ignore it it’s almost assured your relationship will devolve into neglect and separation.

Money & Career- When it comes to career and finances, this card is not a good omen. There is stress and anxiety surrounding your work. Your opportunity for a new or better job may have fallen through. Your boss may be threatening layoffs or reduced hours. You may have just realized you hate the career you’re in and feel helpless to change it due to your financial situation. Be forewarned that this will be an immensely stressful time and you may feel hopeless. But you are not helpless! You can take control of your life and start your job hunt again. Speak with your boss about your concerns; they may have the ability to tell you if your job is safe or not. If you’ve suffered the ultimate loss and been laid off take some time to mourn your situation. Honor that sometimes things are out of your control and the best you can do is roll with the punches. Secondarily, your finances may be affected due to job loss, investments failing, or a divorce. Do not let your ego dictate your moves and invest your time with a professional to get back on track emotionally and financially.

Health & Wellness- The bad news just keeps coming. With the level of stress and pressure you are dealing with the Three of Swords indicates that you, or someone you love, will suffer from health issues and disorders. It can also indicate that time for a surgery has come and it will be a stressful experience with a long period of recover to follow. It will be awhile before things feel the same again. Remember that this card indicates emotional upheavals, so whatever stress, anxiety, and worry you are having you are keeping inside. Bottling up your emotions and the anxiety will affect your general wellness. Emotional upsets have very real physical consequences. You need to invest time in taking care of your mental health. Surround yourself with activities and people who relax and rejuvenate you, and most of all be kind to yourself. This isn’t going to change overnight.

Spirituality- Much like your physical health fails when you have too much stress, so will your spiritual health. All your energy is being directed at your emotional imbalance right now and there is nothing left to help you center yourself and find peace. The cure lies within your ability to redirect your focus onto your spiritual path. You will find great comfort and emotional healing by practicing your spiritual routine and be open to messages from the supernatural.

The Reversed Three Of Swords Tarot Card From The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck.

Three of Swords Tarot Card Meanings Reversed- Overcoming grief, compromise, optimism, forgiveness, releasing emotions, recovery, and reconciliation.

The Three of Swords tarot card is much more positive when it’s reversed, in most contexts. In the majority of readings finding it upside down means your problems are fading away. The frustrations and disappointments that once filled your life have become feelings of hope and opportunities. The storm in your life has begun lifting, and now that you are seeing more clearly, you are slowly resolving your inner conflicts. It feels good to get your emotions back in balance and your life back on track.

Love & Relationships- The Three of Swords, when drawn upside down, signifies forgiveness and reconciliation. You have learned to move on and let go of the hurt and pain. If you have been betrayed this can imply that you are no longer holding on to the past, and you have grown from the heartache into a stronger and more resilient person. Forgiveness is not for the person who hurt you, it is for you. By forgiving them you’re able to let go of your trauma and move on. For those still in the relationship which caused feelings of bitterness, betrayal, loneliness, and rejection this card identifies that you’re working with your partner and improving your communication. However, if your heartbreak was final and the relationship is unsalvageable take this card as a sign to move on. Genuine happiness and true love waits for you out in the world, but you have to be ready to encounter it.

Money & Career- The stressful workplace and toxic colleagues have somehow managed to change for the better. Or is it you who has changed? Well, however you got here, it’s a much better place to be. The Three of Swords tarot card, in the reverse, shows a lot of optimism for your future career. Finding you can stand up for yourself and resolve problems has led to some new opportunities at work. And most of all, you don’t hate going in every morning. If you made a change in jobs feel confident you made the right choice because things are much better in your new job. Finally, if you were struggling with some financial stressors, you have some breathing room now. Adjusting your budget, or pitching for that raise, or taking the advice of a financial expert have paid off (pun intended, haha!).  The environment has become happier and warm, and this gives you positive vibes. The concerns you have at work were slowly resolved, and you have become more productive and cheerful as you work.

Health & Wellness- While your health is improving, you may feel it’s too slow or too little. Patience. Recovery takes a while and being anxious or fixated on how slowly it’s going is not going to help you recover more quickly. In fact, it will slow you down! Remember, emotional and mental stress affects your physical health. Be happy you’re feeling better, that your doctor is pleased with your progress, and that you are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. While this reversed card is showing you a positive future for your health you can undo it by getting in your own way. Additionally, you may be experiencing a slower recovery because of complications. Speak up and tell your doctor about your symptoms or your concerns just in case it’s something they need to address.

Spirituality- Your spiritual exercises are starting to yield results and you’re feeling more centered and in control than you did before. The recent storm you’ve weathered is now receding into the distance and your focus is on the journey in front of you, not behind you. To continue your progress do not spend your energy ruminating on the things which went wrong, or disappointed you, or gave you sorrow. Remember that you have come through them, stronger now on the other side, and your eyes should remain fixed on the goal in front of you. Your intuition and ability to hear what the universe is telling you is improved,  and that’s very exciting!

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