Five Of Cups Tarot Card

The Five of Cups tarot card shows a lone figure facing away with very little of their body and face is visible. They are wrapped in a black cloak drawn tightly around their shoulders, with their head bowed. At their feet in the foreground are five chalices, two of which remain upright and three which have fallen over and the liquid inside has spilled onto the ground. In the distance is a stream passing under an arched bridge amidst green hills, and in the far distance a small castle is nestled in a stand of trees.

The Five Of Cups Tarot Card From The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck.

Five of Cups Tarot Card Meanings- Sadness, abandonment, negativity, loss, trauma, grief, emotional instability, isolation, regret, loneliness, despair, anger, and guilt.

The Five of Cups is one of the Minor Arcana cards many people fear receiving. This is because it is an indicator of grief, sorrow, loss, emotional baggage, loneliness, and despair. None of these descriptors bode well for a person looking for good news but it’s important to keep the greater picture in mind. Put the card into the context of your life, so to speak.  While it may feel as though you’ve lost everything, it’s important to view the whole card- two chalices remain upright. You’ve not lost everything, including hope. However, it can indicate that things have been left unfinished or regrets remain in your mind.

Five Of Cups Tarot Card Meanings In A Reading

Love & Relationships- In its worst case, the Five of Cups tarot card is a bad omen. It signifies the loss of someone you love. You are completely overwhelmed by loneliness and sadness brought about by a break up. You feel like your perfect partner just went away and abandoned you. Now you are so devastated it’s to the point that thoughts, regrets, and despondence about your past relationship are slowly consuming you. You have isolated yourself and contemplate over and over again this heart-breaking event in your life. And as you have come to expect nothing is changing and you continue to feel miserable. But as mentioned above, not all is lost. It’s up to you to see the possibilities in the situations around you to move on and find new love. This loss can also apply to a loved one with whom you’ve lost contact.

Money & Career- Again, a bad omen as this card signifies failure. Struggles are coming and you may end up losing your job or losing your business. The Five of Cups tarot card shows an unwanted change of circumstances forthcoming and this will bring about depression, frustration, and anger. Financial loss is also possible so try to save enough and mange your finances wisely to help you through this phase in life. The good news is this period of loss will end at some point before you lose it all.

Health & Wellness- Well, guess what? The situation remains the same and this card foretells that your emotional or physical health will continue to suffer. Relief and healing do exist for you in the future but currently you’ll struggle with feeling isolated, depressed, and sad. It isn’t easy being ill. It isn’t easy feeling like you have no one who understands the way you are feeling. It isn't easy missing out on life because you feel too ill to participate. As the card shows, though, you do have the opportunity to change things because all is not lost. Visit a health care professional and call your confidante and cry on their shoulder. In truth, you are not alone and by taking action and learning to rely on your professional and personal support system you will find it easier to cope emotionally through this trying time, which will help you stick it out until physical relief comes.

Spirituality- Your connection with the spiritual realm is greatly affected by the strength of the emotions you are feeling right now. Those negative feelings of inferiority, regret, anger, disappointment, and grief all consume massive amounts of psychic energy. You’re exhausted spiritually. How can you possibly recover? It will be a long process but every tiny change is a step forward. Release your negative feelings in order to avoid blocking the connection you have with the universe. Accepting that sometimes bad things happen to good people but you are resilient and will find the psychic strength to navigate this trying time. Be comforted that you will re-establish your connection with oneness.

The Reversed Five Of Cups Tarot Card From The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck.

Five of Cups Tarot Card Meanings Reversed- Healing, forgiveness, letting go of sadness/grief/sorrow/regret/guilt, acceptance, releasing emotional baggage, and overcoming despair.

Love & Relationships- With the Five of Cups tarot card reversed you may realize you still have a chance to find meaningful relationships despite all you’ve been through. Don't take this card to mean plunging into a relationship with just anybody, though. You’ve come through tough circumstances and in many cases still remain quite guarded so don't go against your gut instinct to take your time. You will know when you meet the person that it's time for the walls to come down, so trust your intuition. Mourning or sadness have their place, honor and accept them and how they serve you, and when your mourning period is over and the wound has begun scarring let them go as they do not serve you past this point. Happiness awaits in the future.

Money & Career- The inverted card serves as a reminder to be grateful for whatever is left. Although you’ve lost a lot you have not lost it all. You’re capable and resourceful and you will rebuild what you’ve lost if you can get out of your own way. Dwelling on the past does not serve your progress forward. You have the power to change the situation and it begins with invoking an attitude of gratitude for what you have to work with. Invite positivity into your life and watch the influence it has on your wealth as you couple it with effort and diligence.

Health & Wellness- Same as when it's upright, the Five of Cups implies that the longer you hold on to intense negative feelings the greater their adverse affect on your health. It is really important to seek professional help in order to move past not only the negativity, but any physical conditions the stress and depression caused such as poor sleeping and eating habits, ulcers, or chronic headaches. These are treatable and you can feel like your old self again by taking a few steps forward. You'll even be a wiser and more insightful at the end!

Spirituality- Your spirit is stirring and soon you’ll feel ready to start your journey again. You’ll feel refreshed and rejuvenated, but more world weary and aware of just what kind of pitfalls exist on the spiritual plane. Often times, taking baby steps back to your journey and spending time with those who encourage your spiritual growth is the best place to start. Falls are inevitable but how you process the landing will influence your ability to get up and move again. You have all the resources you need for this so use them.

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